Plans to extend and upgrade the Cenacolo house 2022

The house in Knock is now badly in need of essential repairs and upgrading of basic
facilities including heating, showers, washing etc. and an extension of two additional
bedrooms due to the increasing number of people needing help with various forms of
Our prayer and need is to raise €150,000 to complete this project. Mother Elvira,
founder of Cenacolo, always believed that support and resources would come when
truly needed. Your help, support and prayers will make all the difference to continuing
the great work of Cenacolo in Knock.
All donations will be greatly appreciated, acknowledged and can be made by
bank transfer or cheque.
Bank Transfer: Account Name: Cenacolo Building Fund | Account No. 75346591 | Sort
Code 903760 | IBAN ie94bofi90376075346591 | BIC bofiie2d
Cheque: Community Cenacolo, Aughtaboy, Knock, Co. Mayo F12WK74
Please feel free to make contact if you require further information or wish to discuss any
aspect of this appeal. Please contact:
Fr. Declan Lohan 086 3633328 or Grace McLoughlin 0876705487
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Registered Charity No. 20041649