Cenacolo news


On 29 September, the Liturgy of the Church commemorates the feast of St. Michael the Archangel. In an age in which the forces of evil have enormous freedom of action, misleading and kidnapping souls, the figure of San Michele takes on a first-rate value. Its name derives from the expression “Mi-ka-El”, which means “who is like God?” and …


Family Day Photos

Dear Families, Friends and Ex members, we would love to share with you some photos from our Family Day that recently took place in our fraternity Our Lady of Knock. It was beautiful to see our boys reunited with their families and all the friends who have been helping us over the years. We were …

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Nativity Scene

Dear Friends, we would like to share with you a few photos of the Nativity scene that we have built for the Family Day, and also some pictures from yesterday. God bless.

Cenacolo Community

We would love to welcome everyone to our new website and at the same time share with you recent pictures of our latest projects. We also feel that we would love to express our gratitude by saying a big “Thank you” for all your support and prayers. God bless you all.