We belong to Someone who wants to take care of us and who wants us to discover the true flavour of life. This is why the Community was born, so that many lost and lonely youth could find the heart of life. Every day that these youth spend in Community is a miracle of God’s love.”

Mother Elvira

Community Cenacolo Ireland

An organisation which provides a free, fully residential programme to help people suffering from addiction to change their lives.

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Cenacolo Building Project

Do you want to join us in making a difference? We are raising money for the Cenacolo Community, a registered charity offering help, compassion and hope to people struggling with addiction.

The house is now in need of essential repairs and upgrading of basic facilities as well as an additional two bedrooms due to the increasing number of people needing help with various forms of addiction. Your help, prayers and donations will make all the difference and will ensure the completion of this project. Your support will help those who come into the Community to rediscover respect, order, hope, dignity, peace and the joy of being alive.

Cenacolo means a new life for a person…. it is a place of hope. Deep gratitude and heart-felt thanks to all of you who are in a position to help – your generosity will help the house survive and will, in turn, save lives.


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